Welcome Guest - [Users online: 1] [Visits: 5086] [Hits: 46273] Counted from 27.01.2014
4.12.2015 - Small clan competition
Thanks to metthanichCZE we have a small competition called "(aXe) Clan Event - December 2015". All clanmembers can contest for a nice prize.
For more informations look
13.03.2015 - New Clan Performance evaluation
Thanks to Martin7878 we have new thread on our web page where each member can see his weekly/total progress. Look in (M)embers area.
11.03.2015 - Thanks
Thanks to all who redounded with good job in PVP CWs and we all got many gifts from Crytek.
24.12.2014 - Merry Christmas to you all
18.07.2014 - BBQ2014 - clanmeeting
We plan our first (aXe) Warface clanmembers meeting. For more informations look in "LIFE IN CLAN" thread.
07.04.2014 - Unavailable section is ready from today
Let us know there when you can't playing longer time!
22.02.2014 - Tips Tricks section started just now
Look on it periodically, there will be stored all useful things. If you have any too send it to PIPO.
20.02.2014 - PVP plan system is ready
Our plan system for PVP matches, trainings and (aXe)-days is ready from now. Keep an eye on it and sign yourself to action by your choice.
27.01.2014 - New Warface subpages
In 27th February our clan will celebrate the ninth birthday. So I want to say big thanks to all our members - to seniormembers and to new ones too.
You all helped me keeping this clan alive. So this new Warface subpage is my gift for you all. Feel free send any feedback to me,
what would by good have on our webpages by your opinion. Not all is ready so be patient I working on it.