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PIPO's Far Cry servers scanner
(Click on picture to enlarge)
Main screen
Click to enlarge
Main screen wit colored servers list
Click to enlarge
Your personal servers database
Click to enlarge

Since FarCry game is dead this project was stopped and is not more supported

PIPO's Far Cry server scanner v.1.0 RC7 is out
- added direct scan to all FCMP(unofficial) servers
- added scan to all UBI(official) servers
- added colored list of servers
- added possibility for joining to all servers with one click
(for unofficial servers zzFarCryMP.pak isn't needed,
all about unofficial servers you can find here)
- added searching joined players
- added displaying for some servers setup variables
- changed was waiting-time for not respondig servers from 3 sec to half sec
PIPO's Far Cry server scanner v.1.0 RC5 is out
- added is Autoscan function
- totaly changed is decoder routine
- fixed is few bugs
PIPO's Far Cry server scanner v.1.0 RC4 is out
- added "Find my friend" function
- added colored team column in players info ListView
- added sorting in players info ListView:
(with click on column header you can sort all info.
First click - ascending - next click on the same column
header - descending. Work for all column headers)
PIPO's Far Cry server scanner v.1.0 RC3 is out
- added is "Multiscan function" - status info for all servers
from database with one click.
PIPO's Far Cry server scanner v.1.0 RC2 is out
- added is Punkbuster ON/OFF info scanning
- added is Pasword ON/OFF info scanning
- "Join to server" function now work, but only for user
with valid CDkey.
PIPO's Far Cry server scanner v.1.0 RC1 is out
first beta version

Full installation pack (v.1.0 RC7) here.